EMIN-2009/for authors

For fastest publication of Seminar materials we ask the authors to send the reports in ELECTRONIC FORM (in Microsoft Word, *.PS or *.PDF format) to the Organizing Committee before the beginning of the Seminar.

A MAXIMUM SIZE of the plenary report is 10 pages (including figures, tables, references etc.) of A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm), for poster report - 3 pages.

A PLACE FOR POSTER REPORT in the time of poster-session is 100 cm x 100 cm.

The MARGINS: top and bottom - 25 mm, left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm.

Single line SPACING, preferably New Roman FONT, 12 pt.

The REPORT TITLE should be printed in capitals, the authors' names should be written in a separate line.

The SPEAKER'S NAME is to be underlined. In a separate line the institution name and address are to be specified in lower-case italics, including the city and country they represent.

An EXAMPLE of the disposition is here.