Даньшин Сергей Николаевич, род. 29.04.1954 г., м.н.с. лаб. РХМДН ОЛВЭНА
ПРНД за 2017-2018 г.г.
Экспериментальная нейтринная астрофизика и физика космических лучей


статьи в реферируемых российских журналах:
E.Romanov, V. Gavrin, V. Tarasov, A.Malkov, A. Kupriyanov, S. Danshin, E. Veretenkin, Investigation of a Possibility of Chromium-51 Accumulation in the SM-3 reactor to Fabricate a Neutrino Source, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 798 (2017) 012105

J. P. Kozlova, E. P. Veretenkin, V. N. Gavrin, S. N. Danshin, T. V. Ibragimova, Calorimetric system for high-precision determination of activity of the 51Cr neutrino source in experiment BEST,
Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 798 (2017) 012140
8 x1.5/5=2,4

на международных конференциях
Julia Kozlova, Evgeny Veretenkin. Vladimir Gavrin Sergey Danshin Tatiana Ibragimova Boris Komarov «Fabrication of reactor target from enriched 50Cr for artificial neutrino source» Poster.
IV International Conference on Particle Physics and AstrophysicsIV international conference on particle physics and astrophysics. 22-26 October 2018. Moscow.
10*0.2= 2

V.N. Gavrin, V. Barinov, B.T. Cleveland, V.V. Gorbachev, D.S. Gorbunov, S.N. Danshin, T.V. Ibragimova, A. V. Kalikhov, Yu. P. Kozlova, V.V. Matveev, I. N. Mirmov, A.V., A. A. Shikhin, E.P. Veretenkin. Current status of the BEST experiment. The Mount Elbrus Conference “From Deep Underground to the Sky”. APPEC-Russia. Pyatigorsk, Russia, Sept 12-15 2017
15*0.1 =1.5
