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AIP Conf. Proc.00
Phys. Rev. C3.3043.304
JPS Conf. Proc.00
Nucl. Sci. Tech.1.0851.085
CBM Progress Report00
Turkish Journal of Physics00
EPJ Web of Conferences00
RILA IWNT37 Workshop00
Письма в ЭЧАЯ00

Ботвина Александр Степанович, 02.11.1957, к.ф.-м.н., с.н.с. ЛНИ
Личный ПРНД Ботвины за 2017-2018 годы: 154.42+116.25=270.67

1. Публикации Сумма ПРНД=149.82+1.6+3=154.42
Статьи в иностранных реферируемых журналах, ПРНД=149.82
1. N.Buyukcizmeci, A.S.Botvina, R.Ogul. Influence of the hyper-terms in mass formulae on yield of hypernuclei in nuclear reactions. Proc. of the 32th International Conference of Turkish Physical Society, Bodrum, 5-10 Sept, 2016.
AIP Conf. Proc. v. 1815, 060003 (2017). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4976399

2. A.S.Botvina, K.K.Gudima, J.Steinheimer, M.Bleicher, J.Pochodzalla. Formation of hypernuclei in heavy-ion collisions around the threshold energies.
Phys. Rev. C, v. 95, p. 014902 (10 pages) , 2017. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.014902

3. A.Botvina, M.Bleicher, J.Pochodzalla, J.Steinheimer. Formation of hypernuclear in relativistic ion collisions. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015). Journal of the Physical Society of Japan: JPS Conf. Proc., v.17, 092002 (2017). https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.17.092002

4. J.Steinheimer, A.Botvina, M.Bleicher. Sub-threshold charm production in nuclear collisions. Phys. Rev. C, v. 95, p. 014911 (6 pages), 2017.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.014911

5. R.Ogul, N.Buyukcizmeci, A.Ergun, A.S.Botvina. Production of neutron-rich exotic nuclei in projectile fragmentation at Fermi energies. Nucl. Sci. Tech. v. 28, p.18, 2017.

6. A.S.Botvina, J.Steinheimer, M.Bleicher. Formation of exotic baryon clusters in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Phys. Rev. C, v.96, p.014913 (6 pages), 2017.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.014913

7. S.P.Avdeyev, A.S.Botvina, W.Karcz, V.V.Kirakosyan, V.P.Ladygin. Study of the source velocity with the light relativistic ions at CBM. CBM Progress Report 2016, page 187.
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (2017).

8. A.Ergun, N.Sobolevsky, A.Botvina, N.Buyukcizmeci, L.Latysheva, R.Ogul. Linear energy transfer in water phantom within SHIELD-HIT transport code. Turkish Physical Society 32nd International Physics Congress, 6-9 September 2016, Bodrum, Turkey.
AIP Conference Proceedings 1815, 060007 (2017) 1-4. doi: 10.1063/1.4976403

9. N.Sobolevsky, A.Botvina, N.Buyukcizmeci, A.Kaya, L.Latysheva, R.Ogul. Decomposition of the absorbed dose by LET in tissue-equivalent materials within
the SHIELD-HIT transport code.
Turkish Journal of Physics 41 (2017) 344-350. doi:10.3906/fiz-1703-28

10. A.Botvina, M.Bleicher.
Processes of hypernuclei formation in relativistic ion collisions.
EPJ Web of Conferences, v. 171, 13001 (2018).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201817113001

11. Y.L.Sun, A.S.Botvina, A.Obertelli, A.Corsi, M.Bleicher.
Production of light hypernuclei with light-ion beams and targets.
arXiv:1712.04658 [nucl-th] , 2017.
Phys. Rev. C , v.98, p.024903 (11 pages), 2018.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.024903

12. N.Buyukcizmeci, A.S.Botvina, R.Ogul.
Investigation of Binding Energies of Lambda Hypernuclei.
The Proceedings of the RILA IWNT37 Workshop.
Nuclear Theory, Vol. 37, p.155, 2018.
(Nuclear Theory Laboratory (INRNE-BAS): ISSN 1313-2822,
edited by M. Gaidarov and N. Minkov. Heron Press, Sofia, 2018.)

13. N.Buyukcizmeci, A.S.Botvina, A.Ergun, R.Ogul, M.Bleicher.
Statistical production and binding energy of hypernuclei.
Phys. Rev. C , v.98, p.064603 (10 pages), 2018.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.064603

Статьи в российских реферируемых журналах, ПРНД=1.6

1. O.N.Libanova, E.S.Golubeva, S.V.Ermolaev, V.L.Matushko, and
Experimental cross sections of fission fragments of Thorium-232
irradiated with medium-energy protons.
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, v.15 (no.3), p. 284-297 (2018).
DOI: 10.1134/S1547477118030123

Препринты. Сумма ПРНД=3
1. A.S.Botvina. Statistical production and binding energy of hypernuclei.
Preprint INR RAS 1435/2017 (16 pages), Moscow, 2017.

2. Участие в конференциях. Сумма ПРНД=116.25

1. A.S.Botvina, J.Steinheimer, M.Bleicher, J.Pochodzalla. Mechanisms of hypernuclei formation in relativistic ion collisions.
A talk at DPG-Fruehjahrstagung 2017 conference, 27-31 March 2017, Muenster, Germany.
Speaker A.S.Botvina

2. A.Botvina, M.Bleicher, J.Steinheimer, J.Pochodzalla, N.Buyukcizmeci, K.K.Gudima. Processes of hypernuclei formation in relativistic ion collisions. Talk at 17th International conference "Strangeness in Quark Matter" - SQM2017, Utrecht, Netherlands. July 10-15, 2017. https://indico.cern.ch/event/576735/sessions/241443/#20170713
Speaker A.S.Botvina

3. A.Botvina, J.Steinheimer, M.Bleicher. Production of hyper-nuclei and exotica using UrDMD and a coalescence model. Invited Talk at 2-nd International EMMI workshop "Anti-matter, hyper-matter and exotica production at the LHC". Turin, Italy, November 6-10, 2017.
Speaker A.S.Botvina

4. A. Botvina.
Formation of hypernuclei in relativistic ion collisions.
Invited Talk at NuSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Reactions - ENSAR2.
Warsaw, Poland, January 22-24, 2018.

5. A. Botvina.
Formation of hypernuclei in relativistic ion, hadron and lepton
Invited Talk at HYP2018: The 13th International Conference on
Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, Portsmouth (VA) USA,
June 24-29, 2018.

6. A. Botvina.
Role of the fragment formation in relativistic ion collisions.
Invited Talk, Physic Symposium (32th meeting),
GSI Darmstadt, Germany. October 3 , 2018.