Хаердинов Михаил НаилевичН31,520.01.2020

2018 - 2019
Хаердинов Михаил Наилевич, 06.04.1988, стажер-иссл.

ПРНД = 31.5

1. Хаердинов Н.С., Лидванский А.С., Хаердинов М.Н., Непрерывное свечение ночной атмосферы во время гроз и динамика ее электрического состояния по данным вариаций космических лучей, Известия РАН. Сер. Физ., 2019, т. 83, №: 5, стр. 650-654 DOI: 10.1134/S0367676519050168
ПРНД = 8*1.5/3 = 4


1. M.N. Khaerdinov, N.S. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, Remote observation of a continuous glow of the night-time atmosphere during thunderstorms and analysis of the high-altitude electrical field dynamics according to the data on cosmic ray variations, 26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium and 35th Russian Cosmic Ray Conference, Barnaul/Belokurikha, 6-10 July, 2018.
ПРНД = 15*1.5/3 = 7.5

2. N.S. Khaerdinov, M.N. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, Continuous glow of the night atmosphere during thunderstorms and the dynamics of its electrical state from the data of cosmic ray variations, 26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium and 35th Russian Cosmic Ray Conference, Barnaul/Belokurikha, 6-10 July, 2018.
ПРНД = 10*1.5/3 = 5

3. N.S. Khaerdinov, A.S. Lidvansky, M.N. Khaerdinov, Variations of cosmic ray muon flux
during thunderstorms as a tool for studying electric field distribution and particle
production processes in the atmosphere, XVI International Conference on Topics in
Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2019), Sep. 9-13, 2019, Toyama, Japan
ПРНД = 10*1.5/3 = 5

Итого ПРНД = 31.5