Шихин Александр АлександровичН29,017.01.2020

Шихин Александр Александрович, род 16.04.1963, н.с. ЛГГНТ ОБНО,
ПРНД за 2018-2019 г.г.
Экспериментальная нейтринная астрофизика и физика космических лучей

статьи в реферируемых зарубежных журналах:
V.V. Gorbachev, V.N. Gavrin, T.V. Ibragimova,V.N. Kornoukhov, and A.A. Shikhin, Experiment BEST-2 with a source of 65Zn on gallium target for the search of neutrino oscillations on a short baseline, (2019) J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1390 012053.
0.540*30/5 = 3.24

статьи в реферируемых российских журналах:
V. N. Gavrin, V. V. Gorbachev,T. V. Ibragimova,A. V. Kalikhov, A. A. Shikhin, V. E. Yants. Registration system for 71Ge rare decays in proportional counters for BEST experiment. Physics of Particles and Nuclei. (2018), Volume 49, Issue 1, 39–41.
0,549 *60*1.5*0.2=9,88

А.А. Shikhin, V.N. Gavrin, V.V. Gorbachev, N.V. Ibragimova, A.V. Kalikhov, V.V. Kazalov, Counting Characteristics of the Registration System for the Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions, Physics of Particles and Nuclei. 49(2018) No.4, 799-803.
0,549 *60*1.5*0.2=9,88

на международных конференциях
V.B.Petkov, A.N. Fazliahmetov, A.M. Gangapshev, V.N. Gavrin, T.V. Ibragimova, M.M. Kochkarov, V.. Kazalov, D.Yu. Kudrin,V.V. Kuzminov, B.K. Lubsandorzhiev,Yu.M. Malyshkin, G.Ya. Novikova, A.A. Shikhin, A.Yu. Sidorenkov, N.A. Ushakov, E.P.Veretenkin, D.M. Voronin, and E.A. Yanovich. Baksan large volume scintillation telescope: a current status. TAUP 2019, 8-14 September, 2019, Toyama International Center, Japan.
15*0.1= 1.5

Yu.M.Malyshkin, A.N.Fazliakhmetov, A.M.Gangapshev, Yu.M. Gavrilyuk, V.N.Gavrin, T.V.Ibragimova, M.M.Kochkarov, V.V.Kazalov, D.Yu.Kudrin, V.V.Kuzminov, B.K.Lubsandorzhiev, G.Ya.Novikova, A.A.Shikhin, A.Yu. Sidorenkov, N.F. Ushakov, E.P. Veretenkin, D.V. Voronin, E.A. Yanovich. Geo-neutrino Program at Baksan Neutrino Observatory, International Conference “Neutrino Geoscience”, Prague, October 20-23, 2019. https://indico.cern.ch/event/825708/timetable/

V.V.Gorbachev, V.N.Gavrin, T.V.Ibragimova, V.N.Kornoukhov, A.A.Shikhin. Experiment BEST-2 with a source of 65Zn on gallium target for the search of neutrino oscillations on a short baseline. ICCPA-2018, Moscow, Oct 22-26 2018.
